COUNTY NEWS: Area Plan Commission seat filled


New appointment made to Area Plan Commission

The Brown County Commissioners have filled the open seat on the Brown County Area Plan Commission.

Two people applied: Sherrie Mitchell and Andy Voils. Both were invited to speak for a minute at the Oct. 23 county commissioners meeting about why they wanted to serve.

Voils said he’s a born-and-raised Brown Countian and wants to help his community in any way he could. He said he’d bring a “positive, commonsense approach to things.”

Mitchell identified herself as the founder of the Facebook group Brown County Matters and highlighted her history of attending many county meetings regularly. She also said she’d read and understands the 100-plus-page zoning ordinance.

Commissioner Diana Biddle made a motion to nominate Voils. Mitchell asked her to explain why, saying she’d never seen Voils at any meetings. “I believe I’m way more qualified,” she said. Biddle said that Voils “left a lot off his resume.”

Biddle said she nominated Voils because Mitchell had an issue currently pending before the APC. Mitchell said she could recuse herself, as Biddle does when she has a “personal connection” to a topic before the commissioners. “That’s all you got?” Mitchell asked.

Biddle said that 2020 board appointments also will be made soon, and “there’s always a chance.”

The commissioners voted to appoint Voils 3-0.

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