Fine Print: Criminal court Oct. 24-31



Oct. 28

Steven Cline, failure to return to lawful detention, Level 6 felony; 450 days in Brown County jail with all executed, consecutive to 07C01-1508-CM-000228, 07C01-1509-CM-000294, 07C01-1602-CM-000099, 07C01-1603-CM-000105, 1603-CM-000108, 07C01-1603-CM-000157 and 07C01-1603-CM-000158. Court finds defendant indigent and does not order payment. Any property seized by law enforcement is forfeited unless specified.

Lauren Strong, criminal mischief, Class B misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 180 days in BCJ with 18 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for nine actual days. Probation for 162 days; $50 restitution to Nathan Everett; $186 fine and total court costs.

John C. Roberts, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 365 days in BCJ with five days executed. Credit for two actual days. Probation for 360 days, to include special conditions as reflected in probation order. Driver’s license suspended for 90 days, retroactive to administrative suspension; $386.50 fine and total court costs. Any property seized by law enforcement is forfeited. Defendant to report to BCJ on Nov. 15 to serve three actual days.

Dusty Kaye Toney, battery resulting in bodily injury, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 365 days in BCJ with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 363 days; $186 fine and total court costs.

Sarah Eads, possession of a narcotic drug, Level 6 felony; remaining count dismissed; 308 days in BCJ with eight days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for four actual days. Consecutive to 41D02-1909-F6-0597. Probation for 300 days beginning upon completion of Johnson County probation. Conviction shall be entered as Class A misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation; $385 fine and total court costs. Any property seized by law enforcement except for cell phone is forfeited. Court rescinds warrant issued Oct. 15.

Edward Bancroft, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; 74 days in BCJ with all executed, none suspended. Credit for 37 actual days. License suspension for 90 days commencing Oct. 28; fines and costs waived.

Oct. 30

David Guy, count 2: dealing in methamphetamine, Level 5 felony; count 3: dealing in methamphetamine, Level 5 felony; remaining count dismissed. Count 2: Five years in Department of Correction with three years executed, remainder suspended. Count 3: Five years in DOC with three years executed, remainder suspended. Counts 2 and 3 to run concurrent. Sentence consecutive to 19F60158. Court orders Purposeful Incarceration and will consider modification upon successful completion of clinically appropriate substance abuse treatment program. Credit for 104 actual days. Probation for two years upon release from incarceration; $437 fine and total court costs. Appellate rights explained. Defendant remanded to custody of sheriff. State requests court recommend defendant not be incarcerated in same facility with Kenneth Guy. Heard with 19F60158.

Matthew Goode, possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 365 days in DOC/BCJ, all executed, to be served in BCJ. Credit for 51 actual days; $436 fine and total court costs.

Gregory Hill, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; four days in BCJ with four days executed. Credit for two actual days. License suspension for 90 days commencing as determined by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles; $285.50 fine and total court costs. Warrant is recalled.

David Guy, possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 180 days in DOC/BCJ, all executed. Credit for 49 actual days. Defendant to testify truthfully in state vs. Bill Decker; $436 fine and total court costs. Defendant remanded to custody of sheriff. Sentence to be consecutive to 16F40484. Court grants Purposeful Incarceration and will consider modification upon successful completion of clinically appropriate substance abuse treatment program. Heard with 16F40484.

Dismissed cases

Oct. 28

Lora Couch, battery resulting in bodily injury, Class A misdemeanor; disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor

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