Letter: No Arbor Day event, but please plant trees


To the editor:

The Nashville Tree Board will not be celebrating Arbor Day with a tree planting this spring. Later, when we can, a tree will be planted in the Lincoln Pinch Park on Jefferson Street.

The first Arbor Day was on April 10, 1872, in Nebraska City, Nebraska. J. Sterling Morton was the originator of this day that is now celebrated the world over.

You can celebrate and plant trees. Spring is a good time for blooming trees. But fall is a wonderful to plant trees, as they go dormant and you do not have to worry about watering.

Trees are vital to our environment. They provide us with oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, conserve water, provide shelter to wildlife, give us materials for tools, shelters, and other items. Fruit, nuts and maple syrup are also products of trees. Your home benefits from cooling if trees are properly placed and can help the value of your property. This is only a few of the thing trees do for us.

Plant a tree for the love of trees. Be sure you choose a native tree. Once things get back to normal, you can call on your Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District to help with picking out the right tree: 812-988-2211.

In the meantime, stay home and stay safe.

Nashville Tree Board (submitted by Cathy Paradise)

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