EARTH RISING: Be kind to Earth as we return to it


By JUDITH EAST, guest columnist

As all of us focus on the coronavirus, we can’t help but overlook the pressing needs of our planet. Maybe with time on your hands, you can plan what you and your family might do to protect the Earth, now or when we return to normal!

Here are some suggestions:

  • If you are ordering takeout from a restaurant that is still using styrofoam takeout containers, ask as you order whether you can supply your own reusable containers.
  • Buy organic fruits and vegetables if you can afford to, and if they are available.
  • Reduce the amount of meat and other animal products, e.g., adopt a whole food, plant-based lifestyle, have Meatless Mondays, explore plant-rich recipes. Some evidence indicates a plant-based diet can improve your immune system (T. Colin Campbell, author of “The China Study”).
  • Buy eggs in cardboard cartons, not plastic or styrofoam.
  • Flatten out your cardboard, plastic and cans and try to find a place to stash it until the recycling center opens again. Right now it is too risky for the staff to sort through our stuff.
  • Plan a garden, like the Victory gardens of the Depression era.
  • Compost home vegetable scraps.
  • Take advantage of the need for exercise: Don’t drive when you can walk, run or ride a bicycle.
  • Electronic devices are getting a workout now! Turn off your computer every night and unplug TVs and other devices that keep drawing electricity. Unplug multi-use recharging stations/strips and plugs when device is not charging.
  • Check out the games you can borrow from The Toy Chest game library in Nashville ($10/year membership). You can call in with a request and staff will hand a bag out to you!

Stay safe and well as we get through this together!

Judith East of Brown County submitted this information on behalf of Earth Rising, a new local group with the mission “To learn and share how to tread lightly on the Earth.” East and Earth Rising can be reached at [email protected].

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