Letter: No difference between protesters, anarchists


To the editor:

I am sick and tired of hearing about the protesters that are good and the anarchists that are bad. They are one and the same. The protesters give cover and protection to Black Lives Matter. The so-called good people are seen marching with Antifa which wants to destroy America as we know it and love it.

If the so-called marchers are so good, why don’t they stay home, milk their cows, plow their fields, slop their hogs, plant their gardens, teach their children good manners, go to church, fly the American flag, support law enforcement, vote for those that support traditional America, and wish four winds on these revolutionists.

It would be a snowy day where the devil is going to be cast before I would march with a group that would destroy the great life I have had in America. You wouldn’t march with them either.

The fox is in the chicken house, and we better get him out before he sucks the eggs, eats the young, and drags off the old hen and rooster. The house that great Americans have built for us will be desolate. Look what happened to Christians in 1948 when the communists took over in China. We never say, “God bless Mao.”


James Brown, Spearsville Road

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