Letter: Thankful for the service, kindness of librarians


To the editor:

COVID-19 has been a lot like a really bad birthday party, taking us by surprise, bringing unwanted gifts, and lasting far too long. Still, there have been a few bright spots that have come from it.

I write this letter from my home, which is where I have been since March. The occasional outing comes from working part-time and the necessary trip to the post office. Other than that, I am becoming a fine hermit!

It was with great delight that I saw the Brown County Public Library opening a curbside service! During my time of solitude, I have reawakened my joy of reading, and have utilized the library services with a new passion! I have found new authors, read books by familiar authors that I “never had the time for,” and have even (gasp!) downloaded a book, and listened to several books on CD! I have gotten newly released movies as well!

Throughout this time, the librarians have been so careful and so good, leaving the books on the hood of the car and exchanging a kind word or two before going back into the building, allowing me to get the materials while keeping both of us safe.

I truly applaud all that the librarians do for this community, especially now, during times when most things seem so uncertain. Even during a global pandemic, their service is steadfast, which I greatly appreciate!

Tricia Bock, Nashville

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