Letter: Masks: What’s going on in restaurants, shops?


To the editor:

Sunday afternoon, July 19, I drove through Nashville on my way home to Bloomington. As I expected, your town was busy. Within a three- or four-block area, there must have been at least 200 people, no doubt some of them waiting to get into restaurants.

I thought, “That’s great for business in Nashville.” I also thought, “That looks like a horror show waiting to happen.” I did not see a single person wearing a mask.

Is Nashville now a petri dish for COVID-19? What’s going on inside of restaurants and shops there? Are any of them sticking to mask-wearing, social distancing, hand washing?

In downtown Bloomington, which covers a much bigger area than Nashville’s business district, many people (not all) are wearing masks, and some restaurants are offering outdoor service only.

Patrick Brantlinger, Bloomington

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