Letter: New county council candidate joins fall ballot


To the editor:

Inspired by recent social movements, I decided that the best way to positively impact my community is to run for the county council at large of Brown County.

The county council’s primary job is fiscal responsibility. I’m not going to vote “yes” to throw money at every problem or use taxpayer dollars to enrich my family or cronies.

The county council’s job is not to make promises. Its job is to ensure Brown County’s financial stability.

As a longtime banker and financial expert, I have worked in Brown County through seven recessions. This pandemic and the related economic calamity will pose unprecedented economic challenges for our county. It is more important than ever to make the correct choices with our constrained finances.

I have a strong professional background in budget creation, financial analysis and accounting practices, along with decades of expertise in personal, commercial, construction and governmental lending.

I have long observed how Brown County’s elected representatives have entrapped citizens in debts due to many irresponsible, short-sighted financial mistakes.

I’m confident that I have the experience to responsibly and transparently make wise and important decisions for the future of Brown County. My grandchildren are counting on it.

I grew up in southern Indiana and earned degrees in economics from Manchester University and from the University of Oklahoma. My wife, Carol, and I live in the same house we bought over 40 years ago.

In addition to my career in banking and finance, I have been an active leader in the community. I have been involved in dozens of church groups, nonprofit organizations, grant committees, financial advisory boards and youth sports leagues. We love our community and I want to help our county restore fiscal responsibility.

I want to know what is important to you. Feel free to contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone at 812-720-1988. I will listen.


Ken Birkemeier, candidate for Brown County Council at large

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