BRIGHT SPOT: Head Start gets grant, adds on to playground

Kelle Pope and Sherry Dowell accept a grant check from Brown County Community Foundation for an expansion of Head Start's playground. Submitted photo

When the children of Brown County Head Start return to their classroom, they’re going to see a few surprises in the backyard.

Brown County Head start received a $6,000 grant from the Brown County Community Foundation during the group’s annual community grant cycle. The grant provided 24 percent of the total project budget.

The money allowed the group to add a few new things to the playground, including a track for bikes and scooters, and a pea gravel area for water play.

The YMCA also uses the playground for summer programming and other events.

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“We heard about the grant last year, didn’t realize we were allowed to apply for it,” said Sherry Dowell, Head Start teacher.

“We needed some extra things for the playground. It’s (also) good for the other kids around here, with after-school care and kids that walk the (Salt Creek) Trail.”

Brown County Community Foundation grant applications are generally available in February. Applications are due in mid-March and decisions are announced in late June. In past years, the BCCF has funded grants supporting the arts and humanities, education, social services, health and the environment.

Head Start began meeting virtually on Aug. 14 and will reopen its classroom when they are given the “go-ahead,” Dowell said.

The program serves low-income families with children ages 3 to 5. The year-round childcare meets at the YMCA. Children do not need to be potty trained in order to attend.

This grant helped Head Start extend its classroom to the playground, providing more learning and growing opportunities. “This environmental change provides children with more ways to experience movement and improve health and wellness,” said BCCF CEO Maddison Miller said.

The BCCF supports charitable organizations that include a broad range of community needs, with the goal of building “a stronger and healthier Brown County.”

Community grants are funded through a broad array of donors to “unrestricted funds” at the BCCF. A grants committee reviews applications and chooses the grantees each year.

Head Start spots are available for 3- to 5-year-olds. For more information on enrollment, call the YMCA at 812-988-9622.

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