Letter: ‘Great news about Mountain Tea Ridge!’


To the editor:

When I was a counselor at Camp Moneto in the 1960s, the camp was new, and we had few hiking trails. Pumpkin Ridge Road (although we did not know it had a name), cut through the north side of camp property, and so groups would often hike back to Mountain Tea Ridge where we stopped and ate lunch.

This “road” had deep ruts and long stretches of mud that never dried out. After a mile or two, we reached the huge power line and then turned left down an old logging road to the ridge.

Once, while eating our sack lunches, we made up a song about Mountain Tea Ridge to the tune of Wolverton Mountain. Wish I could remember the words.

I am thrilled that future generations will enjoy discovering such a remote and rugged wilderness: Mountain Tea Ridge.

Jim Tichenor, Bean Blossom Ridge

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