Letter: Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan is a win-win


To the editor:

Among the many reasons I love living in Brown County is the natural picturesque beauty of our community. And I hope that never changes. But the unfortunate reality is it might.

Industry — at home in the United States and around the world — has neglected our environment and needs to act today to reduce our carbon emission levels to give us the best chance of preserving the splendor of our landscape.

The good news is we can do this without harming the economy or placing the burden on everyday Americans like you and me. That’s why I support the Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan. Devised by two outstanding elder statesmen — former Secretaries of State Jim Baker and George Shultz — this well-thought-out plan would really change the ballgame.

In the plan, a fee is assessed on fuel companies based on how much carbon would be emitted into the atmosphere. Think energy companies like Exxon, Conoco Phillips and BP (all of which support the plan). For industry, this fee provides an incentive to reduce their carbon footprint and lead to cleaner air, but without unnecessary government regulations or mandates.

The dividend comes in the form of a check sent to American taxpayers every quarter. That’s right, we get the environmental benefit of reducing carbon emissions and the economic benefit of money in our pocket.

I am a conservative. I am a Republican. And I like this plan because it’s a win-win. It gives back that which it receives and offers companies the peace of mind they need to invest in innovation and technology.

The Baker-Shultz Carbon Dividends Plan isn’t just a plan of good intentions. It’s a good plan that will clean up our environment and keep Brown County the beautiful place it is for generations to come.

Mark Bowman, Brown County Republican Party chairman

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