Letter: Volunteer bell-ringers needed for Red Kettle Campaign


To the editor:

It will soon be that time of year again! As we gear up for the 2020 Red Kettle Campaign, please know that every hour you volunteer makes a difference!

Once again this year, our goal is $25,000 for our social service budget. What does that mean, you ask? It helps us to fill the pantry shelves so clients can have choices; it helps kids go to summer camp that might not get to go otherwise; it helps with emergency utilities. These are just some examples of what the money helps.

If you would like to spend an hour or two helping our community, you can log on to registertoring.com and create a profile and select your desired time slot.

If you cannot help with the ringing, throw in your pocket change when you pass a kettle. Every penny does count and helps make a difference!

We will also be ringing at IGA and Walmart in Columbus starting on Black Friday. IGA is gracious enough to allow indoor ringing while downtown and Walmart ringing is outside.

Remember, we start ringing in Nashville Oct. 1!

You can also sign up by calling the office at 812-988-7019 or texting 812-360-9891

We will once again be in front of The Nashville House!

We will have some sort of sanitizing station there for bell ringers and as well as for the public. The logistics for that are being worked out at this time.

We ring in one-hour time increments for October and the first two weekends in November and will have the following schedule:


Monday-Thursday 1-5 p.m.

Fridays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturdays 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Nov. 6-7 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Nov. 13 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Thanks and God bless,

Darlene Martin, The Salvation Army Brown County administrative assistant

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