BRIGHT SPOTS: Some good news

The Brown County Retired Teachers Association helped beautify the flower garden at Brown County Health and Living Center. Plants were donated by Kelp’s Nursery, Bear Hardware and individual retired teachers. Above, retired teacher Susan Ridge waters this garden. "Members of the BCRTA weed, deadhead and water every week to keep it looking beautiful. The residents help with watering and enjoy the colorful flowers on their patio," reported Jan Swigert. Submitted photo

“Despite COVID-19 and all the new routines, structures, and rules that come with it, our students at Sprunica are having an amazing year!”

— Alyson Hanus

“Our elementary eLearning teachers are working really hard to make this work for our kids. They are coming up with fun lessons, recording videos, answering questions quickly and just being all around awesome. I don’t know how they get it all done, but I appreciate that they make it possible for my kids to be home. The school staff is working hard behind the scenes, too. They are coordinating confused parents and keeping everything moving forward even with the new extra load they carry.”

— Crystal McGrayel

“These teachers always go above and beyond. During the pandemic I feel like they have been extraordinary! They do their best to answer some of those confusing questions and if they don’t have the answer, they find it for you. I know the junior high band is alternating days and going outside to play until the special masks and instrument covers come in. I know the janitors are working so hard to keep things clean and using special precautions. Each teacher has had to adapt their strategies with the new rules and precautions in place.”

— Lynda Blevins England

“The Brown County school system has been so amazing to work with when we have had extra hiccups with our foster kiddos. They are responsive, helpful, and really care about the kiddos in our community! Thankful for all of the hard work they do!

— Kathleen Moman

“You have an incredible superintendent that informs your community weekly, and is running things with such grace and with a smile. There is a lot of pressure on her shoulders and you don’t see it, because she is good at it. Not all school systems are so blessed.

— Melissa Kelley

“My son is doing a buddy walk (Down Syndrome) at the end of the month, and some GREAT shop owners and restaurants have donated some great stuff for us to raffle off to raise money: Casa Del Sol, Brozinni’s, Chocolate Moose, The Toy Chest, The Jerky Shop and Dirt Darlin.” (After seeing this post, the management of the local BP station and Salt Creek Golf Retreat also offered to donate.)

— Bailee Law

“My bright spot through all of this COVID has been The Toy Chest right there in Nashville. They’ve been innovative with deliveries and mailing packages to celebrate anything and everything. Their packages they put together are spot on, with only needing to tell them briefly what I need for various children, and happiness is bound to be the result.”

— Pamela Perfetto Drebus

“My son is getting to come home for leave for a few days. He is getting ready for Germany. He has an awesome podcast, too.”

— Sherry Dowell

“The Brown County Handmade Market is still happening to support local crafters! It’s going to be online only on Oct. 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. See details on our Facebook page.”

— Kara Miller

“Dr. Gootee at Brown County Eye Care is definitely a bright spot in the community. He provides free vision screenings for the Head Start students every year, has gone to the county schools to provide screenings, contributed care packages for teachers at the beginning of each school year, performed glasses adjustments and cleaning for residents at Brown County Health and Living, Willow Manor and Hawthorne Hills, bringing pizzas as well! He also has true care and compassion for all his patients, making their happiness his priority.”

— JoAnn Sanford

“I had an unexpected, 10-day hospital stay that included a very painful knee surgery that totally incapacitated me. Many friends from several churches have come together and blessed my socks off with meals, supplies, groceries, rides for my kids, yardwork, a new ramp so I can safely get on and off my porch. I was even given a small refrigerator to house my IV antibiotics!! I can’t begin to thank all of these folks properly, but I am so grateful.”

— Marty Wegehoft Dwyer

“My neighbor, Rick, has been bringing by a couple dozen eggs every couple of weeks for the last 6-8 months at least. Always asks how we’re doing and if we need help with anything. My girls look forward to seeing him come up the drive. They come in yelling, ‘The egg man is here’ with big smiles. We really appreciate him.”

— Kathy Jo Rondomanski

“Brown County boys tennis senior Noah Cochran had the shot of his career on the winning match point of his last regular season match for his high school career last night (Sept. 30). What a fulfilling moment for a terrific young man! Filled all of our hearts to see him accomplish this goal!”

— Amy Huffman Oliver

“We all woke up. :)”

— Faith Crabtree