Letter: Thanks to all who helped with humane society walk

To the editor:

Our Brown County Humane Society recently completed its 18th Annual Dawg Gone Walk & Fiesta. This year’s event brought together over 130 dogs and their human companions for a day of FUN and GAMES. It has been a very different year and we are so glad for everyone’s support who came out and made this an amazing day.

We would especially like to thank the following: Earl Piper for blessing the dogs; Nancy Pugh for doing a wonderful job of emceeing the event; Reva Brummett for providing amazing music to keep the crowd energized; and our judges, Alisha Gredy and Kim Robinson. A special thank-you to Dixie the Praying Dog for coming out and helping with many of the day’s events.

A big thank-you goes out to the Jackson Township Fire Department for bringing out their ladder truck and helping to make our ball drop ending a possibility. The inaugural ball drop raised over $600 for the humane society and gave some excitement to the end of the event. It would not have been possible without the help of the Jackson Township Fire Department to drop the purchased balls from their truck.

This year, our generous diamond and platinum sponsors included Jones Law Offices, Royal on the Eastside, the Tony Stewart Foundation, the Werling Charitable Foundation and Zacks Investment Management. In addition, we had many gold, silver and bronze sponsorships that provided financial support for this event.

We have all heard that “it takes a village.” This event could not have happened without the wonderful volunteers that worked all day to make this event a fantastic success. From set-up to clean-up, this group ensured that everyone had a great time. It was a true pleasure to work with such dedicated people.

And lastly, the Dawg Gone Walk & Fiesta would not happen without the participants and their dogs. From small to large dogs, the love and passion these owners have for their pets is amazing. Thank you all for braving the wet and mud and coming out and enjoying the day with us.

Sue Ann Werling, president, Brown County Humane Society (submitted by Megan Gushwa, community relations manager for the humane society)

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