Letter: Reader missing Poet’s Corner feature in paper


To the editor:

I’m saddened that the Brown County Democrat has not been putting Poet’s Corner in the newspaper. I enjoyed seeing my poems and other writers’ poems in the paper, but most of all, reading them. For this reason, I will not be subscribing to the newspaper anymore.

At a time when our county is fighting to survive, not just from COVID-19, but the growing divide, fighting over who won the election or didn’t, some thinking there was voter fraud but no proof to support the claim, they can’t accept their candidate lost, we need stories and poems to read to help us cope with these issues and all types of life’s problems that come our way.

I grew up in Brown County, and I love that county with all my heart and always will, even if the county gave up on me. I made bad choices in my life that I regret every day, but I didn’t have people to help me stay on the right path. Our youth need people to be there for them even if it’s only to listen to them.


Jamie R. Robinson, Pendleton

Editor’s note: We have not stopped publishing Poet’s Corner; we simply have not received any submissions for at least four months. I agree with you that we need uplifting content, which is why we have been seeking out “Bright Spot” news to report each week since the pandemic hit the county. We welcome the submission of creative works from people with local ties. Please, keep writing.


Send letters to [email protected] by noon Thursday before the date of intended publication (noon Wednesday on holiday weeks). Letters must be signed by the author and include the writer’s town of residence and a contact method in case of questions.

Letters are the opinions of the writer. They are not verified facts.

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