Letter: Redistricting should be about fair representation

To the editor:

Linda Hanson, president of the Indiana League of Women Voters Indiana, recently wrote the following article, which appears on the League’s website, www.lwvin.org. The local League of Women Voters Brown County supports Mrs. Hanson’s — and the League’s position on redistricting — and offers the following to the readership of the Brown County Democrat for your consideration.

The current system of redistricting in Indiana allows legislators to choose their voters, instead of voters choosing their legislators on Election Day. Over the last decade, the supermajority in the Indiana legislature has obstructed every bill that would have changed that system.

The Indiana Legislature will begin work soon on this issue, using data gleaned from the 2020 Census.

The League of Women Voters feels that redistricting should fundamentally be about fair representation — ensuring that people living in the district can elect legislators who truly represent their interests. Fairly-drawn legislative districts cannot be discerned without hearing from those who will be represented.

Our system functions best when there is public discussion of issues. Unfortunately, when parties are able to draw boundaries that give them a significant advantage and the opportunity to make decisions in caucus rather than in the public eye, media outlets face increased challenges to keep the public informed.

Decisions (about education, natural resources, election processes, energy, transportation, economic development) with lasting impact may be made by one party without adequate public discussion, dialogue, consensus, or compromise. Redistricting can occur behind closed doors with no effort to create maps fair to all Hoosiers.

Fair maps help ensure fair representation to achieve a more perfect democracy: One person, one vote. Voters should choose their elected representatives; representatives should not choose their voters.

We invite you to work with the League of Women Voters and All IN 4 Democracy to help make sure the districts are fair. Keep an eye on our website (lwvbrowncounty.org) or contact us for more information.

Pam Raider, co-vice president, League of Women Voters of Brown County

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