Letter: The Salvation Army thanks holiday donors, volunteers


To the editor:

The Salvation Army of Brown County would like to sincerely thank each and every person who contributed to our successful Christmas season.

We would like to especially thank the following community partners:

  • Andi and Lance Bartels of The Nashville House
  • Wayne Koester and the staff and management team of IGA
  • BP gas station
  • Kiss the Cook
  • Changing Seasons
  • Carol’s Gifts
  • Brown County Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • Touch of Silver, Gold and Old
  • Artist Colony Inn
  • Donors of the Brown County community that we instrumental in making our Red Kettle Campaign successful.

We especially want to thank the volunteers during the season who ring bells and work our Christmas Toy Shop. Each year, The Salvation Army is able to provide families in need with new toys to make a difference in their holiday. It’s because of this great community we can provide services to make a difference.

We look forward to this new year to serve others during this time of uncertainty. Remember us throughout the year, if you feel so led to do so, with monetary donations or grocery items for the food pantry. Also, we are looking for volunteers who can help throughout the year. Please contact Major Nancy Mead at 812-988-7019.

Lastly, we would like to invite you to join us for Sunday services at 10 a.m. “where no one is a stranger” is our motto and we would be honored by your visit!

Many blessings to you in this new year.

Major Nancy Mead, pastor/Brown County Corps officer (submitted by Darlene Martin, Salvation Army administrative assistant)

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