Letter: Help clean up local roads as part of Great American Cleanup

To the editor:

We all know that the past year has been a difficult one. Keep Brown County Beautiful was not able to get out and do what we do. We are only now getting back to a bit of normalcy, much like everyone.

Our roads are a big mess. We are not in a position yet to get a large group together to have the Great American Cleanup the way we wish we could. Hopefully next year! But we can still have the Great American Cleanup! Here is what we are doing this year to get our roads cleaned up.

If you will pick up trash on your road, we have a special colored trash bag that you can pick up at the Solid Waste District along with plastic gloves. Once you complete the cleanup we will pay for the disposal of the trash at Knight’s. They will know to charge us by the color of the trash bag.

You can do this as a family, an entire road, however you feel will get the job done. You can get out and enjoy some fresh air and enjoy the spring beauty.

We will do this for the month of April.

If you want to borrow grabbers and vests, they will be available for lending.

We hope many of you will see this as a great opportunity to keep Brown County beautiful and have a good time doing it. We appreciate the effort and hope we can come together again soon to work toward a cleaner community.

Call ahead for these items at 812-988-0140 to set up a pick up time.

Cathy Paradise, Keep Brown County Beautiful president