Legal notices for week of March 30

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Members of the Brown County Water Utility, Inc., has been called by the Board of Directors as specified in the By-Laws of the Corporation, to be held at the Fruitdale Fire Department, 5200 N State Road 135, Morgantown, IN. 46160 on Monday, April 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Two (2) Directors will be elected to serve a term of three (3) years each.

No nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Registration BEGINS at 6:00 p.m. for voting and will CLOSE promptly at 7:00 p.m.

Any membership issued to a corporation or other public entity must designate a representative in writing and must submit a document signed before a notary public, authorizing the person who is designated to vote the membership during the annual meeting.

I, Roger Hickey, the duly authorized and elected Board of Director Secretary of Brown County Water Utility, Inc., hereby certify the following candidates for the Office of Director, pursuant to the recommendation of the Nominating Committee pursuant to the By-Laws:

Jim McDonald – Incumbent
Roger Hickey – Incumbent

Respectfully submitted,
Roger Hickey, Board of Director Secretary
60072906, 3/31/21, hspaxlp, 21-55

Notice is hereby given that the Lake Lemon Conservancy District (LLCD) will receive sealed bids for the construction of the LAKE LEMON SEDIMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Sealed bids can be hand-delivered to LLCD (7599 North Tunnel Road, Unionville, IN 47468) during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM) until Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Sealed bids may also be mailed to LLCD and must be received no later than Wednesday, April 21, 2021. No late bids will be accepted. Bids received after such hour will be returned unopened. Bids received prior to this time shall be opened and publicly read at the public meeting scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM (local time) at the LLCD (7599 North Tunnel Road, Unionville, IN 47468).
General Description of Work
The above designated work and improvements, referred to as the Lake Lemon Sediment Improvement Project, consists of but is not necessarily limited to the following:
Excavation and grading of the land-based disposal area shown on Plans.
Formation and grading of a perimeter berm surrounding the land-based disposal area shown on Plans.
Installation of a spillway pipe shown on Plans.
Installation of a subsurface drainage pipe system and manhole shown on Plans.
Execution of the erosion and sediment control plan shown on Plans.
The Contract Documents will be provided electronically. Please contact Charles Dewes with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LLC (CBBEL) at 317-266-8000 to be added to the bidder list and to obtain copies of the Contract Documents. The Contract Documents may also be examined free of charge at CBBEL (115 W. Washington Street, Suite 1638 South, Indianapolis, IN 46204). No pre-bid meeting will be held however, bidders are encouraged to arrange individual site visits with LLCD. Bidders interested in a site visit should contact Adam Casey, Lake Manager of Lake Lemon at 812-334-0233.
The work to be performed and the bid to be submitted shall include sufficient and proper sums for all general construction, mechanical installation, labor, materials, permits, licenses, insurance, and so forth incidental to and required for the construction of the facilities.
Each bid must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the title of the Project and the name and address of Bidder. All bids must be submitted on the bid forms as identified in the Contract Documents and Specifications.
Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or acceptable bidder’s bond made payable to the Lake Lemon Conservancy District, in a sum of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the highest aggregate bid, which check or bond will be held by the Owner as evidence that the bidder will, if awarded the contract, enter into the same with the Owner upon notification from the Owner to do so within fifteen (15) days of said notification.
Approved performance and payment bonds guaranteeing faithful and proper performance of the work and materials, to be executed by an acceptable surety company, will be required of the Contractor at the time of contract execution. The bonds will be in the amount of 100% of the Contract Price and must be in full force and effect throughout the term of the Construction Contract plus a period of twelve (12) months from the date of substantial completion.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, or all bids, or to accept any bid or bids, or to make such combination of bids as may seem desirable, and to waive any and all informalities in bidding. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for at least ninety (90) days. A conditional or qualified Bid will not be accepted.
Award will be made to the low, responsive, responsible bidder. The low, responsive, responsible bidder must not be debarred, suspended, or otherwise be excluded from or ineligible for participation in federally assisted programs under Executive Order 12549.
All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the project throughout. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on bid forms included in the Specifications. Bids shall include all information requested by Indiana Form 96 included with the Specifications.
Under Section III of Form 96, the Bidder shall submit a financial statement. The Owner may make such investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform the work and the Bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Agreement and to complete the work contemplated therein.
Each Bidder is responsible for inspecting the Project site(s) and for reading and being thoroughly familiar with the Contract Documents and Specifications. The failure or omission of any Bidder to do any of the foregoing shall in no way relieve any Bidder from any obligation with respect to its Bid.
60073214, 3/31/21, 4/7/21, hspaxlp, 21-56

CAUSE NO. 07C01-2103-EU-000008
In the Circuit Court of Brown County, Indiana.
Notice is hereby given that Barbara A. Zieg was on the 15th day of March, 2021, appointed personal representative of the estate of Annella H. Hamilton, deceased, who died on the 14th day of January, 2021.
All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now due, must file the claim in the Office of the Clerk of this Court within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred.
Dated at Nashville, Indiana, this 23rd day of March, 2021.

/s/ Kathy Smith
Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Brown County
Attorney at Law
2751 Brentwood Drive
Columbus, IN 47203
Telephone: (812) 372-1303

60073227, 3/31/21, 4/7/21, hspaxlp, 21-57

Brown County Tax Rates Charged

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Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District Cash and Investments

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Washington Township Cash and Investments Combined Statement

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