Letter: Pulling the plug on Major League Baseball, again


To the editor:

Well, here we go again. We are in the first week of April and it means the beginning of Major League Baseball. I have not watched MLB for the past two years, nor the World Series. It once was one of my enjoyments until they spit on their fans by trying to tell us that America stinks, and their million-dollar players and fat cat owners try to shove this anti-American attitude down our throats. If they think they can sit in their special boxes, drink champagne with their politically correct friends while looking down on the fans in the cheap seats and thinking about all the money we bring in as a herd of cows coming to the barn (stadium) to be milked, they may be fooled.

I decided to give them another chance when the season opened this year with the St. Louis Cardinals playing the Cincinnati Reds. What great memories I have about those teams. I would buy the baseball package on Direct TV so I would not miss any games. We had been what I call “a baseball family.” I was getting ready to watch the second game of the series when the next foot came down. They are pulling the all-star game from Atlanta, GA, because of voter I.D.? So, there went the season.

When I want politics, I want conservative politics. When I want baseball, I want baseball, not political baseball. In the final rundown of the owners, I would have to say, “No runs, Not hits, and plenty of errors.” The mighty Casey has just struck out. He won’t be rounding third and heading for home. There will be no joy in Mudville tonight.

James Brown, Morgantown

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