Olympic bodies launch competitive series in virtual sports


<p>LAUSANNE, Switzerland &mdash; A competitive virtual sports event was launched Thursday by the International Olympic Committee.</p>
<p>The Olympic Virtual Series will include five sports — baseball, cycling, auto racing, rowing and sailing — and runs from May 13 to June 23. The Tokyo Olympics open on July 23.</p>
<p>Gaming brands involved in the project include Gran Turismo, Zwift and eBaseball Powerful Pro Baseball 2020.</p>
<p>"(The series) will mobilize virtual sport, esports and gaming enthusiasts all around the world in order to reach new Olympic audiences,” the IOC said in a statement.</p>
<p>Details of prizes offered in some events are being finalized, the IOC said.</p>
<p>The Olympic body is hoping to reach more young people with a strategy for virtual sports and gaming and said the series “allows participants around the world to compete from home or their training facilities.”</p>
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<p>AP Olympics: <a href="https://apnews.com/hub/olympic-games">https://apnews.com/hub/olympic-games</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/AP_Sports">https://twitter.com/AP_Sports</a></p>

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