Defining numbers from Biden’s early days, from jobs to virus


<p>WASHINGTON &mdash; President Joe Biden’s opening months in office have been a <a href="">whirlwind of activity</a> during the pandemic and the start of an economic recovery. He is facing a sharp increase in the number of migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border, the tragedy of mass shootings and lingering tensions over racial inequities, the environment and the legacy of his predecessor, Donald Trump. </p>
<p>A look at some defining numbers from his first 100 days in office:</p>
<p>2.67 million – Average number of vaccines administered daily during the past week, up from roughly 1.5 million when Biden was inaugurated.</p>
<p>4,380 – COVID-19 deaths on the day Biden became president, Jan. 20.</p>
<p>677 – COVID-19 daily death average for most recent seven-day period. All told, including before Biden’s presidency, 569,000 Americans have died from the pandemic.</p>
<p>$1.9 trillion – Sum of the debt-financed coronavirus relief package that the administration says will help vaccinate the country and restore the 8.4 million jobs lost to the pandemic.</p>
<p>1.38 million – How many jobs have been added during the Biden presidency through March.</p>
<p>161 million – How many direct checks were sent to people as part of the relief package, nearly as many as previous payments approved during the Trump presidency despite tighter standards for qualifying.</p>
<p>38% – The estimated decline in Black poverty from the relief package, which the Biden administration says would help to close racial gaps on the economy.</p>
<p>1.57% – The interest charged on a 10-year U.S. Treasury note, substantially lower than the 4.6% charged in 2001 when the federal government last ran a budget surplus.</p>
<p>18,890 – Number of children traveling alone who tried to cross the Mexican border in March, the highest total since the number was first tracked in 2009.</p>
<p>40 – Number of executive orders signed by Biden, the highest of any recent president. His most recent order was sanctions against Russia. Many of the orders overturn Trump-era policies on migration and labor issues. A March 7 order seeks to promote voting access in what appears to be an answer to Republican efforts in many states to tighten voting standards following Trump’s loss.</p>
<p>10 – Number of mass-casualty killings in the United States in which at least four people died, not including the shooter.</p>
<p>2,500-3,500 – The number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Biden has committed to withdraw them by the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks. </p>
<p>50% to 52% – How much Biden has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as part of a U.S. effort to contain the damage from climate change.</p>
<p>28% – The corporate tax rate proposed by Biden, an increase from the 21% signed into law by Trump in 2017.</p>

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