Letter: ‘Take a stand against … our freedoms being taken’


<strong>To the editor:</strong>

I’ve read in recent weeks several statements made by our school superintendent, Laura Hammack, and the Brown County school board. They agree that we are losing students, which translates to losing tax dollars to be used for their education.

I have an opinion as to why parents are putting their children in private schools or home-schooling them. Have you heard of Critical Race Theory? This idea is gaining steam across our country, dividing us and teaching hatred. It puts forth the thought that race is everything in how we are to be judged — not what our character is and how we behave. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addressed this in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

Today, to be white is to be blamed for every wrong committed now and in the past.

Screenwriter Roger Simon said, “If you wanted to invent an ideology that actually created racism where it doesn’t exist, you could do no better than Critical Race Theory.”

I hope this teaching hasn’t crept into our schools, but I think parents, grandparents and concerned citizens should be on the alert for this teaching. Getting back to educating, not indoctrinating, is a necessity. Our children deserve it, and our country must return to it.

Additionally, to infer that private and home schools are inferior to public schools is not a well-thought-out statement. Several of these home-schoolers are my grandchildren, and they have proven to be well-equipped as productive citizens.

Another liberal action that has been introduced is the gender identity issue. This allows males to participate in girls sports if the “feel” like they are female. Common sense tells us that the girls would not have a chance to win against a male in many sports.

We must take a stand against this and many other instances in which we see our freedoms being taken.

We are a good country — not systematically racist. Not perfect. Let’s all pray for our leaders to make good choices. God bless the U.S.A.!
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Brenda Miller, Brown County</strong></p>

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