Letter: Maintenance tips to keep septic systems working

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Maintenance tips for septic systems:

Have the tank pumped every 3-5 years.

Minimize excess water use. Don’t do continuous laundry; try to space out loads. Use low-flow showerheads, low-flow toilets.

If possible, don’t use a garbage disposal. It can increase the amount of solids in your wastewater by 50 percent. As an alternative, compost or throw food wastes in the garbage, especially anything with oil. This could include baked goods, salad dressings, etc. Wipe out greasy pans with paper towels and throw these away. Scrape plates into the garbage can if you can’t compost food.

Avoid planting trees, or shrubs on or around the septic system, especially near the septic absorption field inlet pipe, where it leaves the house and enters the tank. Keep plantings on the septic field to grasses that can be mowed, nothing with deep roots.

Don’t drive over your septic field either before OR after installation. Compaction of soils here has an impact on the effectiveness of your system.

Avoid add-in products. They don’t replace proper care and maintenance.

Divert runoff water from your gutters, lawn slope areas, roof, and basement drains away from the septic absorption field.

Don’t dump chemicals, paints and petroleum products down the drain, and don’t wash brushes or paint pans in the sink. Take these outside to wash off. All those particles going down the drain can block absorption in your septic field.

Even if a product says it can be flushed, like some disposable wipes claim, DO NOT FLUSH THESE. Don’t flush kitty litter either.

Use friendlier toilet paper, like Scott’s paper, which decomposes well.

Keeping your system working well will help prevent problems and expense to you.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Jennifer J. Heller, Brown County Health Department</strong></p>
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