Groups ask judge to block Indiana ‘abortion reversal’ law


<p>INDIANAPOLIS &mdash; Abortion rights groups have asked a federal judge to block a new Indiana law that would <a href="">require doctors to tell women</a> undergoing drug-induced abortions about a disputed treatment for potentially stopping the abortion process.</p>
<p>The lawsuit filed Tuesday argues that the requirement would confuse patients and increase the stigma associated with obtaining an abortion, while also forcing doctors to give what they regard as <a href="">dubious medical information.</a> The groups want a judge to block the new law from taking effect as scheduled in July.</p>
<p>Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb last month <a href="">signed the bill</a>, which <a href="">GOP legislators argued</a> would ensure that a woman had information about halting a medication-induced abortion if she changes her mind after taking the first of the two drugs used in the procedure and takes another drug instead.</p>
<p>Six states already have similar requirements in place, while such laws in North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee have been <a href="">blocked by legal challenges,</a> according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights.</p>
<p>The Indiana lawsuit also challenges a new state law banning doctors from providing abortion services by virtual visits with patients.</p>
<p>The state attorney general’s office didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment Tuesday.</p>

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