Indigenous woman named New Zealand’s next governor-general

<p>WELLINGTON, New Zealand &mdash; Children’s advocate Cindy Kiro said Monday she hopes to inspire Maori girls after becoming the first Indigenous woman appointed to the role of governor-general.</p>
<p>Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced she had picked Kiro for the largely ceremonial role as Queen Elizabeth II’s representative, and that the queen had approved. </p>
<p>Under New Zealand’s constitutional system, the British monarch remains the nation’s head of state although doesn’t wield any real day-to-day power.</p>
<p>Kiro’s five-year term begins in October, when she will replace Patsy Reddy. Both women have been been given the honorific “Dame" for their services to the community.</p>
<p>Kiro, 63, said her mixed Maori and British heritage helped give her a good understanding of New Zealand history and the Treaty of Waitangi, the founding document signed by Maori and British.</p>
<p>Kiro is currently chief executive of the Royal Society, a nonprofit group which advocates for research. She was previously the nation’s Children’s Commissioner and has held leadership roles at several universities. </p>
<p>“Over many decades, Dame Cindy has demonstrated her passion for the wellbeing of children and young people, as well as education and learning," Ardern said. </p>
<p>Kiro said she grew up in humble circumstances and her career had been driven by a sense of the importance of service.</p>
<p>Asked if it was appropriate in modern times for the queen to remain New Zealand’s head of state, Kiro did not answer directly.</p>
<p>“Well, clearly I accept the queen as the head of state of the Commonwealth and I’m here to support her,” Kiro said, adding that “This is the constitution we have, and I look forward to basically using it to serve the country.”</p>
<p>Ardern said she believed New Zealand would one day become a republic but she didn’t get a sense that people urgently wanted change, and so the issue hasn’t been a priority for her government.</p>