Letter: Pass the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act


To the editor:

There has been a lot of talk this week about bipartisanship and finding compromises that both parties can agree on. For the past decade or so, Congress has struggled to pass even the most basic legislation because of a lack of cooperation between Republicans and Democrats. The American people want our leaders to find issues they can agree on, but these issues seem to be lacking. However, there is a solution that can generate bipartisan support and break through the gridlock of Washington.

The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act is that very solution. Introduced this year, the act started with 28 co-sponsors and has now united over 80 Senators and Representatives from every corner of the country and across the political spectrum. Sounds bipartisan to me! But bipartisan should be about more than just uniting a few legislators in Washington; it is about bringing together everyday people.

In a recent study, over 50 percent of Americans would want Congress to pass important legislation even if it were not supported by both parties. The people of America have been clear: They want our leaders to pass laws that will fundamentally improve their lives.

Can the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act pass this test? I believe it does. The energy innovation portion of the bill would amount to a historical investment in research and development to create the new technologies we need to mitigate and eliminate carbon emissions. Such a large investment would generate substantial economic benefit as new companies, new technologies, and new jobs are created to tackle the climate crises.

The carbon dividend would place a price on pollution and hold high-level polluters accountable for the emissions they put into our environment. The dividend would also put a monthly stimulus check into the pockets of working Americans without putting a new tax on you and me.

The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act is a bipartisan solution that will improve our climate and the lives of Americans, but it is imperative that we press Congress to pass the bill now, before the time is up.


Tyler Allen, Bloomington

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