Fine print: Criminal court June 11-16


New charges

June 11

Christopher Hughes, operating a vehicle as an habitual traffic offender, Level 6 felony; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Matthew Schober, possession of a controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor; possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Jason Everett, possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony; possession of a controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor; possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

June 14

Tiffany Franks, obstruction of justice, Level 6 felony


June 14

Danielle Cramer, count 1: operating a vehicle while intoxicated — endangering a person, Class A misdemeanor; count 4: reckless driving, Class C misdemeanor. Count 1: 365 days in BCJ, all suspended. Probation for one year. Count 4: 60 days in BCJ, all suspended. Probation for 60 days. Sentences concurrent; $2 fine, $387.50 total court costs.

Charles Beauchamp, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; 90-day license suspension; $100 fine, $285.50 total court costs.

June 15

Joshua Fulk, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; ticket substitute SR16 sent to Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Bradley Russell, disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor; four days in BCJ, none suspended. Credit for two actual days served.

Jason Whetstine, criminal trespass, Class A misdemeanor; 365 days in BCJ with 22 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for 11 actual days. Psychological/mental health evaluation/treatment ordered. Probation for 343 days.

Joshua Fulk, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; ticket substitute SR16 sent to BMV.

June 16

Joshua Burton, battery against a public safety official, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 545 days in BCJ with 206 days executed, remainder suspended. Consecutive to sentences in 03D02-2007-CM-3557 and 07C01-2012-CM-0436. Credit for 103 actual days. Sentence shall be entered as Class A misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation. Probation for 339 days consecutive to probation in 03D02-2007-CM-3557; $1 fine, $336 total court costs.

Jason Wolf, unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; 180 days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for seven actual days; $1 fine, $336 total court costs.

Jennifer Lee, unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; neglect of a dependent, Level 6 felony; 545 days with four days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for two actual days. Probation for 545 days. Community corrections and substance abuse evaluation ordered; $2 fine, $337 total court costs.

Jennifer Lee, unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; 545 days, all suspended. Concurrent to 07C01-2101-F6-52. Probation for 545 days; $1 fine, $336 total court costs.

Joshua Burton, public intoxication, Class B misdemeanor; $25 fine, $260 total court costs. Consecutive to sentence in 07C01-2102-F6-0108.

August Simons IV, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more with prior conviction, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 545 days with 60 days executed, remainder suspended. Time to be served on work release. Credit for two actual days. Probation for 485 days. Community Corrections, community service, probation, substance abuse evaluation, victim impact panel and work release ordered. Driver’s license suspension for one year retroactive to administrative suspension. Special driving privileges granted; $1 fine, $436.50 total court costs.

Richard Wilson, resisting law enforcement, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 365 days with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation ordered. Psychological/mental health evaluation/treatment, no contact order and substance abuse evaluation ordered; $1 fine, $336 total court costs.

John Bauch, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; eight days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for four actual days. License suspension for 90 days commencing as determined by BMV; $100 fine, $300.50 total court costs.

Dismissed cases

June 15

Zuleida Rosario Pabon, operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, Class C misdemeanor

June 16

Jeffery Partyka, possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

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