Letter: ‘It takes two to tango’ on climate in Congress


To the editor:

Recently, Republican in Congress have created a buzz around Washington by forming a Republican Climate Caucus. Everyone knows the meaning of the popular expression, “it takes two to tango.” Without the proper partner on the dance floor, even the best dancer would look ridiculous. The same logic holds true in the halls of Congress. Without a partner on the other side, no one legislator or group of legislators is able to pass any bill.

For too long, many progressive Democrats have failed to understand this approach and their attempts at a climate solution have lacked any serious support among their colleagues on the other side of the aisle. Without such support, Democrats have not been as successful in passing climate legislation as their voters have hoped for.

However, this reality may be changing. By forming their own climate caucus, Republicans have shown their commitment to finding solutions to climate change. Now that both parties are serious about this issue, we may finally have the partnership needed to solve the climate crises.


Tyler Allen, Bloomington

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