BRIGHT SPOT: Volunteers spruce up garden along trail


If you’re a user of the Salt Creek Trail, you may have noticed increasing signs of life at the garden on the YMCA end over the past couple months.

Since early spring, Theresa Zimnawoda, her friends, and members of the Brown County Garden Club have been working to bring beauty to the garden, formerly known as the Children’s Garden. The plan this year was to add more perennials.

Zimnawoda took the lead to request donations from gardens in Brown County and a small grant was provided by the Brown County Community Foundation. Kim Robinson and Shirley Boardman also provided matching grants.

Mike Arbuckle donated creek gravel and provided expertise.

Jenny Johnson, who has tended this garden for years, donated thornless blackberries.

Mulch was donated by Bear Hardware. Kelp Greenhouse donated an assortment of plants.

Zimnawoda reports that some of the plants include day lilies, peonies, salvia, hostas, cannas, morning glory and hyacinth bean ivy as well as green beans, melons, tomatoes and peppers. Mexican sunflowers grace the fence line.

Keeping up with the thriving weeds and working in the heat has been a challenge, the volunteers report.

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