O’Brien, Carrey, Dole praise ‘comedy genius’ Norm Macdonald


NEW YORK — Reactions to the death of Norm Macdonald, who died of cancer Tuesday at age 61.

“I am absolutely devastated about Norm Macdonald. Norm had the most unique comedic voice I have ever encountered and he was so relentlessly and uncompromisingly funny. I will never laugh that hard again. I’m so sad for all of us today.” — Conan O’Brien on Twitter.

“Norm was in a comedy genre of his own. No one like him on this planet. Please do yourself a favor and watch his stuff. He was one of a kind of all time” — Sarah Silverman on Twitter.

“He was one of our most precious gems. An honest and courageous comedy genius. I love him.” — Jim Carrey, via Twitter.

“The world was a much funnier place because Norm Macdonald was in it. We’ve lost a comedic genius, and a great Canadian. Sending my condolences to his loved ones and countless fans mourning his passing.” — Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, on Twitter.

“Norm was a great talent, and I loved laughing with him on SNL. (asterisk)Bob Dole(asterisk) will miss Norm Macdonald.” — Former Senator Bob Dole, who Macdonald often played on “Saturday Night Live,” via Twitter.

“We loved Norm MacDonald. One of a kind.” — Steve Martin, via Twitter.

“I was a huge fan of Norm Macdonald and I essentially ripped off his delivery when I first started acting, I would stay up specifically to watch him on talk shows. He was the funniest guest of all time. We lost a comedy giant today. One of the all time greats.” — Seth Rogen, via Twitter.

“No one could make you break like Norm Macdonald. Hilarious and unique.” — Jon Stewart on Twitter.

“Oh my God what is even happening. Good bye, Norm. You were never not 100% hilarious.” — Patton Oswalt, via Twitter.

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