BRIGHT SPOT: Donation made to Shop with a Cop


The Nashville VFW Post 6195 made a donation of $500 to the Brown County Sheriff’s Department’s Shop With a Cop earlier this month.

The donation was made during the VFW meeting on Sept. 9.

The Shop With a Cop program will take place in December. Local police officers will take a number of children to Walmart to pick out Christmas gifts. Children will need transportation.

The Brown County Children’s Fund gives Walmart vouchers for each child in a family. At least one child in the family must attend Brown County schools.

Speak with Brown County school staff or another child-serving agency to be referred to the programs.

Donations for Shop With a Cop can be mailed to P.O. Box 1532, made out to “Brown County Shop With a Cop.” The event is its own 501(c)3 and can be used as a tax deduction. Forms are available if needed.

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