COUNTY NEWS: Public hearing set for sewer hook-on hike in Gnaw Bone

GNAW BONE — The Gnaw Bone Regional Sewer District will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Dec. 16 in regards to rate increases for residential homes and campgrounds.

Ordinance 2021-03 is a proposed increase of connection fees for a single family residential property to be collected by the GBRSD.

If adopted, the cost for a single family residence to connect to the sewer system will be $3,000 plus impact fees. The current rate is $2,500 plus impact fees.

GBRSD attorney John Young said that the increase is a general price increase that only applies to new connections in the district and that it will not affect current customers.

The current rate is outdated with the fee having been established since the creation of the district, Young said.

Ordinance 2021-02 pertains to campsites, which Young said has been “on the books” for a couple of years.

Whether an RV park, a youth camp or another type of campground, the proposed minimum monthly charge is $6.67 per campsite, a flat rate.

There is currently only one campground in the district, but Young said if there are additional campgrounds entering into the district, the GBRSD will establish a uniform rate.

Campground operators can elect to have a flow meter on their property showing the amount of sewer used or they can pay the flat rate, Young said.

The hearing will begin at 6 p.m. at the Gnaw Bone Food Mart, 4947 State Road 46 East.