SCHOOL NEWS: Eagle Manufacturing moving to new location

Brown County High School’s Eagle Manufacturing will have a new place to call home next school year thanks to an anonymous donor.

The student-run manufacturing business in Brown County High School began in the fall of 2018. It trains students in administration, engineering design, CNC machining and graphics/promotional materials. The new location will be located in space between the current Career Resource Center in the Educational Service Center and the former Brown County Intermediate School gymnasium.

This move will accommodate the growing program, Eagle Manufacturing adviser Chris Townsend told the Brown County School Board of Trustees on May 19.

The new location will also allow for equipment to be in the same area together.

“We do not have room for anymore expansion. I have taken as much space as I can around us,” Townsend told the board.

The current space in the high school also has limitations when it comes to student supervision as students can be in four or five spaces at any given time, he continued.

More space also means new technology can be incorporated in Eagle Manufacturing, giving students even more real world experiences in a production environment. More space also means more students can join the program with the hope of doubling the size of the program in the future.

The current Eagle Manufacturing space in the high school will be used for the engineering and new construction programs. Hiring engineer and construction teacher Cody McGill was also approved by the school board at the May 19 meeting. A building trades program had not been available since former teacher Chris Todd left the school district in 2016.

An expansion proposal was presented to a community member who agreed to fund the construction in the new space and getting it up to standards. The new space will feature manufacturing lab, administration lab and graphics lab along with a shipping and receiving inventory area.

The cost for the new construction and relocation was not available at the meeting.