OUTDOOR BRIEFS: Food, farm garden council seeks community involvement; Hard Truth hosting races

Council seeks community input

The Brown County Food, Farm, and Garden Council encourages people to grow their own fruit and vegetables, donate extra local food back to the community, and know how to access food resources.

The group plans to host an Earth Day celebration for the Brown County community in 2023 after coordinating an Earth Day event this past year at the Brown County YMCA.

The council’s goal is to improve the impact and scope of the 2023 Earth Day celebration. In order to accomplish this goal, they are seeking community members, organizations and businesses who share their commitment to educating others on how to renew and protect the planet and who would like to have input in the planning of a county-wide Earth Day event.

Those interested can email Extension Educator Katie Finney at [email protected] to receive a personal invitation to a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 5:30 p.m. At this meeting, attendees will discuss ideas for how to make the Earth Day celebration as successful as possible and how you and/or your organization can best contribute to this event.

Hard Truth hosting outdoor races

The 2023 Frosty Trails extreme trail races will take runners on the rugged grounds of the Hard Truth forest on Saturday, Jan. 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m..

Runners will meet steep hills, creek crossings and more on the Hard Truth Distilling Co. campus, 418 Old State Road 46.

There will be an after party with a complimentary chili bar and live music. Every participant will get a drink ticket good for one Quaff ON! beer, a shot for a warm drink or non-alcoholic beverage.

Participants under 18 who sign up by Jan. 1 will get $5 off

Frosty 5K: Registration until Saturday Dec. 31 is $30 and $35 from Sunday, Jan. 1 to Friday, Jan. 13.

Frosty 10K: Registration until Saturday Dec. 31 is $35 and $40 from Sunday, Jan. 1 to Friday, Jan. 13.

Frosty 20K: : Registration until Saturday Dec. 31 is $70 and $80 from Sunday, Jan. 1 to Friday, Jan. 13. Cost is per team.

The Shot Mile is for participants 21 and older. Registration ends Wednesday, Jan. 11 and is $15.

After party entry for non-runners is open until Wednesday, Jan. 11 and is $15

For more information and time slots go to visithardtruth.com.

Migratory bird seasons ongoing

The migratory bird hunting seasons for 2022 and early 2023 have been announced by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Mourning dove: Dec. 17 to Jan. 2.

Ducks, coots and mergansers: Nov. 26 to Jan. 22.

Geese (Canada, brant, white-fronted, snow, ross’s): Nov. 26 to Feb. 12.

For information on daily limits, shooting hours and other regulations as well as dates for falconry visit in.gov/dnr/fish-and-wildlife/hunting-and-trapping/waterfowl-and-migratory-game-birds.