NEW ON THE FORCE: Officer Q&A with Hitz

Editor’s note: The Brown County Sheriff’s Department has hired three new officers that took oath this month. We’ll be introducing them over the next couple weeks.

Oliver Hitz

Age? I am 49 years young.

Married? No, single, with a dog, who is my best friend and companion.

Where did you grow up and/or where do you consider yourself to be from? I grew up in the Swiss Mountains, more exactly in Klosters, where my parents had a mountain restaurant. In winter I skied to school–not kidding. I have spent the last 15 years in the US and love it so much that I didn’t only want to be an American citizen, but an American Patriot.

What is your education? I went to the regular Swiss School system and then got a master’s in business administration and education (Andragogy).

What is your law enforcement experience? I had no law enforcement experience prior to joining the excellent team in Brown County.

What did you do before this? I have worked for over 20 years in the executive management of an international German group.

Why did you choose law enforcement? I believe that law enforcement is a calling. For me personally, it’s a way to give back to the community. To protect and serve and uphold the constitutional rights we are given. Coming from a non-law enforcement background, I can relate to people pretty well.

What’s the best part about being a police officer? There are so many great things I love about it. If I had to pick the “best” I would go with–helping people. Small things that can make a positive difference. We all need much more of that.

What’s one of the most difficult parts of the job? That’s a tough question. So far, it was supporting people that have lost a loved one. Their pain is real and there is not too much you can do to make it better.

What are you looking forward to in your new role? EVERYTHING! I love my work and the team. The camaraderie is amazing. The work is challenging and rewarding, and I enjoy that. My key is to be fair and understanding.

Anything else you’d like to add? I love Brown County; it reminds me of where I grew up. OK, the mountains are not the same, but the community surely is. Like Nashville, Klosters is a seasonal touristic place with a lot of personality. And as a music lover, we have several great places in the county to enjoy that as well. What more do you want?