Local Girl Scouts, American Legion participate in flag retirement ceremony

Girl Scouts Jalynn Reeves, Lexi Holland, and Bailey Frick head up the Color Guard.

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On Flag Day, the Brown County Girl Scouts participated in a Flag Retirement Ceremony at Deer Run Park. In partnership with the local American Legion, the Girl Scouts retired a worn flag in a ceremony honoring our country’s flag, veterans, and active duty military. Planned and organized by Girl Scout Leaders Kiley Walters and Erin Daniels, the event was open to the public, and attended by members of the Nashville Metro Police Department, including Chief Heather Burris. Guest musician Alayna Jacobus played “God Bless America” at the opening, and “Taps” during the retirement of the flag. Girl Scouts Ashlynn Waltes and Karma Harrison gave a speech on the importance and history of our flag. A full color guard led by Scout Jalynn Reeves carried the retired flag to the fire pit for proper incineration. Participating in honored ceremonies such as this one is important to Brown County Girl Scouts. Civic Service is a core tenant of Girl Scouts, a fact that was appreciated by attendee, veteran, and Nashville Police Training Commander Reddick, who expressed his appreciation of younger generations continuing such traditions during the opening statements. After the completion of the retiring of the flag, the ashes were collected and deposited to the base of the flagpole at American Legion Post 13, who donated the flag for the ceremony.

— Staff reports