Board votes to change water rate

The Town of Nashville Utility Service Board met Aug. 11 to discuss water rate increases.

The board voted to recommend to the Nashville Town Council at the Friday meeting that the current 20,000 gallon minimum be eliminated and the current base charge be increased.

This proposal would decrease water bills for those who use 1,400 gallons a month or less, but increase water bills for all users above 1,500 gallons.

The board went back and forth on if the decision to move forward with the recommendation would be accurate and fair to the town’s residents. They discussed if it would be fair for people to pay more for their water bill if they are using less water.

Nancy Crocker, USB secretary, said her concerns would be that people will say they thought the council was trying to reduce the water bill but instead it will now be increasing for some individuals.

The board also discussed the concern that those individuals who use less water will be paying the same as those who use more. The board agreed that this plan merely allows people to continue having the water utility service, and it’s not an indication of how much water one is using or not using.

The board discussed that half of the people will get a price reduction and save about $14 a month while the other half will see an increase and pay about $7 more per month.

The board unanimously voted to move forward with the non-binding recommendation. The Town Council will have the final say. The Town Council meets Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.