Marking 100 years aboard a Huey

Hitting the century mark didn’t stop Nashville resident June Clapp from soaring over the hills and hollers of Brown County in a UH-1 Huey military helicopter!

Clapp’s son, Tim, was one of the pilots for the Columbus Indiana HUEY Veterans Organization Fundraiser on Oct. 7. The non-profit provides helicopter rides for people, and Clapp was able to go up with her son the last two years.

“Last year when I turned 99 was my first time ever on a helicopter,” said Clapp. “When my son asked me if I wanted to go again, I was excited to. There’s really nothing to it.”

Clapp turned 100 on July 27.

Clapp said it was a pretty day and they flew for about 20 minutes over Nashville. She said although she can’t see all that well anymore, what she could see was very interesting and beautiful. She said she wasn’t nervous about it at all.

“It was like I was sitting right at home in my chair but also looking out over the countryside,” said Clapp.

Tim said it was a special day and the fact that she was able to do it at 100 made it even more special.

“Mom being 100 is special every day,” said Tim. “We are so glad we’ve had her this long, and she’s still so spry for her age.”

Clapp lives in Willow Manor Senior Apartments across the hall from friend Delores Wayne who believed Clapp’s story was worth sharing with the community.

“She’s such an interesting and amazing lady with a good mind still,” said Wayne. “I don’t think everyone knows her age.”

Wayne said she thought it was such an amazing thing that Clapp was able to ride in a helicopter at her age and when she asked her if she was nervous to go up in it, Clapp replied she wasn’t at all.

“She uses a cane but gets around so well,” said Wayne. “She always has on nice outfits and her nails are always done, and I can’t believe she’s 100.”

Tim said everyone enjoys being around his mom, and she’s a very kind and special woman. He said his favorite memory from this flight with her was when they took a turn and banked a little and she grabbed his brother-in-law’s leg.

“She told me later, ‘I did it for his benefit, I thought he’d be scared,’” said Tim, laughing.

Clapp said the plan is to do it again next year when she’s 101, and she encourages everyone to take a ride in a helicopter if given the chance.

“Next I want to go on one of those hot air balloons, I’ve always wanted to,” said Clapp.