Public Test of Election Equipment

Indiana law requires a public test of Election Equipment prior to every election. Equipment is randomly selected by the State and the local Election Board arranges a public meeting where the equipment is securely transported to the location for the test.

For Brown County, two of the Optical Scan machines – the vote tabulators – were selected for the test. A batch of sample ballots was prepared and run on the machines to make sure the vote totals matched what the ballots showed. The equipment worked as expected, so the machines were sealed to be securely stored until they will be set up for use at the Nashville Municipal Election Nov. 7.

Brown County High School AP Government Teacher Emily Lewellen brought her government class to the Public Test.

The students observed the process then got a chance to mark ballots and run sample ballots through the Tabulator. Asked what they thought about the voting process, a couple students remarked “It was easy.”

The Nashville Town Election board arranged the Public Test. They were really happy to see the students in attendance! “They are the future.”