Vietnam service veterans recognized, Christmas and our military


Vietnam service veterans were recognized Dec. 6 at the Brown County Veterans Hall in Nashville (photo attached). This event was sponsored by the Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans (WHVV), the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) and the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Nineteen Viet Nam era veterans attended a dinner provided by the Brown County Viet Nam Veterans Association and were recognized publicly for their service during the Viet Nam war 1959-1975 with a commemorative pin and hard copy book titled “A Time to Honor” with CD. If you know of a Viet Nam veteran who was not recognized that is living in Brown County, please contact the Brown County Veterans Service Office at [email protected] and we can connect them to the WHVV to be properly recognized as well and receive a copy of this great book, CD and pin.

Christmas and our military

This year Christmas will be celebrated on Monday, Dec. 25. The Holiday season can be particularly difficult for military personnel and their families who are separated by deployment or simply struggling financially. The stress and hardship of deployment can create an incredibly lonesome holiday setting for both personnel abroad and their families holding the fort at home. In addition, many families who are blessed and able to spend the holiday together can experience hardships with the added financial burden that Christmas brings to many each year. Christmas has deep roots in our nation’s sense of tradition and celebration. When combined with military efforts, there is a strong presence of strength, unity, and cheer that permeates all American families, unifying both military and non-military families with an awareness of the spirit of giving and hope.

Andy Alexander is the Veterans Service Officer for Brown County

Andy Alexander is the Veterans Service Officer for Brown County

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