Ask Brownie: ‘Convenience fee’ adds to price of playhouse ticket

Hello, Brown County!

Gee, it’s been a minute since we last talked. But that’s OK with me. Heck, when the weather gets as cold as it was there for a stretch, I’d just as soon be like that furball over in Pennsylvania and hibernate.

What’s the deal with him Friday? If he sees his shadow we have six more weeks of winter and if he does not see his shadow we have an early spring? Or is it that if he sees his shadow the quarterback for the Colts will get hurt and we’ll have six more losing seasons? Heck, I don’t know. It’s something like that.

Anywho, it’s been a quiet few weeks until last week when Brownie … your Brown County Connection, the sultan of sleuths, the despot of detectives, the Bogie of Bogart characters, the … yeah, yeah, you get the idea. OK, it’s been a few weeks since anyone reached out and asked me a question.

That came to a screeching halt last week when an anonymous texter sent me the following:

Diversity#Equity#Inclusion is being blamed by WIBC radio and others for some of the problems in today’s society. The Indianapolis Star has reported that many Hoosier schools have DEI officers. Does our school system in Brown County have someone in charge of DEI, regardless of what it is called? And if so, what is their job description and pay?

Diversity, equity and inclusion. You know, those are three words that are hard to argue with. Shouldn’t we all strive to have diverse friends? Isn’t it just the polite and right thing to do to be inclusive? And equity? Heck, who doesn’t want things to be equitable?

But in today’s world, saying DEI is like touching the third rail at the Flatbush Ave. subway stop in the Bronx.

So Brownie reached out to the BCS Boss — Superintendent Emily Tracy. She’s the lady with the answer and I knew she’d shoot us straight. Here’s what she had to say in answer to the anonymous question.

We do not have a position dedicated or in charge of DEI for the sole purpose of leading DEI. Before I came to Brown County Schools, I believe the district had a working DEI team of educators, but it since has dissolved with the transition of new leadership.

So there you go — straight question, straight answer. And well put, I might add.

How about you, Bucky? Got a question you need answered? Well, if it has anything to do with Brown County, send it my way and I’ll be on the case.