Lent: Only 33 Days Left


Have you ever wondered why we have fish on Fridays during Lent?

Lent is an annual 40-day period that is observed by many Christian denominations between Ash Wednesday and around Easter Sunday.

The 40-day period commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and resisting Satan’s temptations. It is a time to reflect and ask for forgiveness while remembering the events that led up to Jesus’ death. Easter Sunday, or resurrection day, marks the end of Lent and the fasting cycle.

Many people choose to give up something that they love. Whether it be chocolate, coffee, music, sports, social media or their Aunt Ida’s chicken pot pie. The idea of abstaining from something that isn’t sinful, but enjoyable teaches people the meaning of sacrifice while strengthening their relationship with God.

Traditionally, fasting and abstaining play a large part in observing Lent. Many rules tend to vary depending on denominations and churches. However some abstain from eating meat on Fridays, thus introducing the idea of Fish Friday.

The other important rule is that individuals between the ages of 18 and 59, unless exempt for medical reasons, are required to fast on Good Friday and Ash Wednesday. People above the age of 59 are encouraged to fast, however they are not required. Some individuals also choose to fast throughout the week, with the exception of Sundays, as well.

Many churches in Brown County are celebrating Lent with services and Bible studies.

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