Letters to the editor: Gary Huett



The county government and their municipalities have been given the opportunity to partner with community organizations to pursue Stellar Pathways grants worth millions of dollars to improve the quality of life for this community. Brown County, the Town of Nashville, and community organizations have been discussing the benefits of receiving the grant monies, and have concluded it would be in the interests of the community to work together to pursue this opportunity. Local representatives from OCRA – the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (grant sponsors) believe Brown County has a strong chance to receive the grant. The emphasis this year is on parks, parks, parks – and we are seen as the “Playground of Indiana”! They also specify, as an integral component to the grant funding, that this should be a unified effort where the county, town(s) and community organizations all work closely together.

Potential Stellar projects the grants are designed to fund would include Salt Creek Trail completion that would connect the trail to the State Park and Deer Run Park, sidewalk replacement in town with ADA compliance, walking paths from town to the business district, wastewater infrastructure including septic and sewers, environmental preservation that would lead to healthier living conditions, and historic preservation of buildings such as brickwork and windows at the courthouse.

These grants come fast, are competitive with other counties, and we don’t have much time to apply. We must submit a Letter of Interest by May 1st. There is a secondary benefit to applying now. Those who engage in the process this year, and do not win, will be given feedback from OCRA as to how to enhance their proposal to have a better chance at winning next year’s grants.

One person stands in the way of our community applying for this grant … Commissioner Ron Sanders, who has voted No, while the other two commissioners voted Yes. Without the unanimous vote of the county commissioners, a key component of qualifying for the grant is eliminated.

We respectfully ask Commissioner Sanders to change his vote to Yes to support this year’s application to the Stellar Pathways grant program in order to provide multiple funding opportunities for our community to promote better health and wellbeing for our residents and visitors. If you agree please let him know. [email protected]

This letter represents concerned officials, organization members and citizens.

Gary Huett

President, Brown County Council

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