What’s Next? Primary is over, Candidates prepare for General Election


The Primary is over and it is the time for candidates to start looking toward the fall.

There will be five localized contested races in the general election on Nov. 5.

The contested races barring any third-party candidates jumping in are U.S. Representative for District 9, U.S. Representative for District 82, county surveyor and two county commissioners from District 1 District 3.

Erin Houchin (Republican) and Tim Peck (Democratic) are facing off for the District 9 U.S. Representative seat. Democrat Tom Horrocks and Republican Dave Hall will be running for U.S. Representative District 82.

Tim Allen (Republican) and David Harden (Democratic) are vying for county surveyor. Republican Kevin Patrick and Democrat Tiffany Ardnt will be running for county commissioner District 1. Tim Clark (Republican) and Justin Schwenk (Democratic) will be running for county commissioner District 3.

Many candidates will be choosing to continue their strategies the way they have been throughout the primary.

“I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing,” Harden said. “Eventually I’ll get a few signs, but I am going to just try to do what I’ve been doing, helping people. Being good to people, helping them and being there to answer questions.”

Patrick also said he will be using his tactics for the Primary to help him with the general election.

“It’s basically being out and engaging, like I did for the primary,” Patrick said. “Be out, be seen, be at events. I will be engaging at the fair. Getting in front of people in the county.”

Patrick said that he will be using this time to recover from the primary and prepare for efforts in the future. Other candidates, like Justin Schwenk and Thomas Horrocks are using this time to develop their strategies for the upcoming races.

“Our strategy is bringing more people on, connecting with voters and breaking the super majority,” Horrocks said. Horrocks will be preparing for the Healthcare Concerns documentary and panel at the Brown County Public Library on Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. He said he will be at the forum to meet people, connect and educate.

Schwenk had an uncontested race in the primary, he said he will be focusing his strategy and efforts on the general election now that he knows who he is up against.

“I’m taking care, getting materials and having stuff ready for the fair, that’s my next big event,” Schwenk said. “Because of commitments to Scout camp, I can’t be at the fair every day but will try to come to the booth on Wednesday and maybe Saturday night. The hope is we’ll have sign up for all local state-wide offices. Some state Democratic representatives will be there every night. We want to demonstrate to citizens that the Democratic party is present and showing up.”

Schwenk said that after June he is planning on having meet and greet events in July and early August.

“After that I will start into traditional canvassing in neighborhoods to get the message out and refine my plan,” Schwenk said. “We want to make sure average Brown County voters know we have a strategy and vision moving forward. We have an understanding of who we have been in the past and what we want to be in the future. There’s more than broad ideas on what we should do, we have plans and strategies.”

The general election is still months away, but many candidates are taking the time to engage with the public now.

Tim Clark told the Democrat that he published his campaign strategy on his website, but will be updating it and his social media to share what he has learned from citizens, county employees, department heads and appointees.

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