Letter to the Editor: Samantha Chapman


For Hoosiers who care deeply about companion animals as well as our state’s wildlife, this most recent legislative session proved a difficult one to swallow. Two extreme anti-animal bills passed and were signed into law despite the best efforts of animal advocates across the state.

While we cannot change the past, we can work to hold the lawmakers who supported these inhumane measures accountable. And now, with the Humane Society Legislative Fund releasing its 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard, we can easily see who shares our drive to protect animals.

I can proudly say that Representative Dave Hall earned an impressive score of 100 percent on this scorecard thanks to his pro-animal efforts. Representative Hall voted against HB 1412, a bill that will void humane pet store ordinances across the state, and against SB 241, a bill requiring the creation of a bobcat hunting season.

With these actions, Representative Hall rebuked the puppy mill to pet store pipeline and took a stand to protect Indiana’s only remaining native cat. We need more allies like Representative Bauer Hall and this November we have a chance to elect them. On Election Day, I urge you to take HSLF’s 2024 Indiana Humane Scorecard into consideration when you vote.

Samantha Chapman

Indiana State Director

Humane Society