Letter: Keep eye on entrepreneurs, government officials

To the editor:

Be wary of entrepreneurs, outside investors. They will continue to push development in Brown County for capital until there is no more projected demand.

Be suspect of people who came to live here or who have been gone for a significant portion of their lives who exploded onto our political scene having barely established/re-established residency. They are moles positioned on various boards and committees to help drive economic development, a suggestion on the part of some investor made to get business done.

After the Stellar Communities debacle, Brown County has noticed this passing year strategic, underhanded attempts to spur more development in tourism. This welfare courtesy is extended to a vast minority: certain businessmen who desire conditional support (e.g. the HCI for the ROI project) by the majority of citizens via our tax money — our only function within this schema (rationalized by pretentious notions like fixing the prescribed problem of a dwindling population).

We are, then, in essence, forced to become co-business partners for projects for which we will get nothing in return. Here, there is no level playing field even for healthy competition among businessmen (that is largely a myth). It is not a factor when government tips the scale for prosperity toward a certain group (hotel owners and booze peddlers) as opposed to another: those who understand the dangers inherent in creating/maintaining a party town.

And lastly, do not trust the integrity of certain government officials who sit council seats or accepted commissions who ask: “Can this project be done?” and not “Should this project be done?” or “In what manner is it being accomplished?” or “By whom?”

They believe that government functions as a business with solid borrowing power and have been bamboozled by developers and law firm(s) who would teach those officials how to effectively circumvent the democratic process for their own interests.

Their under-the-surface motivations for all this work are unclear. Perhaps they believe they will leave a legacy here? Indeed, and that legacy is now inescapable: one mired in corruption and stupidity.

As we watch crime rates soar (a reflection of human misery) by the institution of a “Little Memphis”; as the peace of our valley is steadily shattered, remember: There will be nothing that is done that cannot be undone at some point in the future. Then, we can work together with folk who have better visions for a community, and not those visions that have been proven to destroy communities.

John Douglas, Nashville

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