Letter: Community needs to come together to stop bullying

To the editor:

It is with the great pleasure of urgent importance that the Rotary Club of Brown County will be the sole sponsor of the inclusion of the anti-bullying insert in The Democrat today.

Our local Rotary Club has had a special, connected relationship with the students of Brown County Schools for 25 years. We’ve sponsored mentorship, leadership and scholarship grants and activities to provide resources specifically to the children of the Brown County community.

As part of anti-bullying awareness month, our Rotary Club continues to recognize the importance of contributing to promote safety and wellness to the students in our schools. The anti-bullying insert will help with that responsibility.

The anti-bullying insert will assist the Brown County community by identifying concepts that bring to light beliefs and events that can affect prevention efforts.

Diverse perceptions and attitudes about bullying behavior, by children and adults, can have strong influences about how a community works together to mitigate and eliminate the intimidating behaviors that can cause harm to individuals.

A community discussion by parents, children, and civic leaders is an important step in coordinating a unified effort to stop bullying now.


Al Kosinski, president, Rotary Club of Brown County

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