Letter: Ask governor to change plans to log Yellowwood

To the editor:

Gov. Eric Holcomb will allow the Division of Forestry to auction valuable hardwood timber, salvage cut and conduct timber stand improvement from Yellowwood State Forest on Nov. 9.

Gov. Robert Orr set aside this remnant of our forested natural heritage as backcountry for Hoosiers to enjoy hunting, camping, hiking and observing wildlife. Instead, Gov. Holcomb will deny this experience to 2 million Hoosiers who live within an hour’s drive.

Gov. Holcomb is ignoring research completed by 45 scientists from 15 Indiana institutions of higher learning that includes the entire flora and fauna of a 946-acre area of Yellowwood. This inventory reveals 4,000 species: many rare, threatened and endangered species, who call Yellowwood home. Regardless, the DOF remains intent on dismissing this research, continuing aggressive logging and treating our state forests as a cash crop.

We will lose money on this deal, too: The head of the DOF has publicly stated that he expects the state to receive a mere $150,000 for this sale. Who would bid $150,001?

Gov. Holcomb has the authority to halt this disruption of 300 acres. Keep Tecumseh Trail open. Please urge him to change this decision and protect our quality of life.

Mary Bookwalter, Indianapolis

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