Letter: A voice in support of Watson for Congress

To the editor:

Yes indeed, “It’s time!”

Before you vote this November, be aware that a vote for Joseph Albert Hollingsworth III will be counter to your best interests.

Why would Trey cast votes in Congress that hurt his constituents? It makes no sense until we note that Mr. Hollingsworth owes much to his rich campaign contributors. In fact, he owes so much to them that he has to cast votes in Congress the way they wish rather than in a way that fits with our interests.

These contributors include some wealthy individuals, big insurance companies, big banks and various political action committees, none of whom reside here. All these contributors hope to see Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid cut. They view government spending that helps the weak and disadvantaged as a waste of money.

I wonder if they think last year’s tax cut for the richest 1 percent of Americans was a waste of money? Trey’s tax cut last year netted him a tidy $4 million. Mine was not that generous.

So, how should we respond to the mediocre representation of our interests in Congress? How can we get a representative in Congress that will actually cast votes that are consistent with our sense of justice and support our interests rather than those of the rich?

We need to fire Trey and elect someone who pledges to protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid from the powerful few who would happily cut these programs out from beneath us. Currently, health insurance companies are required to sell us policies even if we have a pre-existing condition. The big donors to Trey want him to do away with this protection, too.

This November, I will vote of Liz Watson. She doesn’t accept money from the rich and other powerful donors. Liz Watson in Congress will vote to protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and to force the rich to carry their fair share of the tax burden. If we want a representative who will help us and work to rebuild the middle class, we need Liz Watson in Congress.

William Swigert, Brown County